the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in twitter

@writchrd I know! I saw a Citgo in Pullman where it was like 1.96 for regular. I am officially freaked out by this. # fun with rsync, merging multiple music repos together to create one iTunes Music Library to rule them all. Stupid slow home wifi. # Just realized that all my home wireless gadgets […] -> # Drawback of living off State Street? Parade people won’t let me sleep late. Shut up with the drumming at 6AM! Have some sympathy! # Powered by Twitter Tools.

Figure skating, it turns out, SO MUCH HARDER than they make it look on teevee. # @shadow Vixie looks like a Russian mobster. Is he going to shoot me for saying nasty things about his implementation of cron? # @mizmoose But he looks really angry and scary in that pic! # Why do people always […]

Digging new Kanye. # il neige encore. :( # And the question as to how Mr. X will find a way to fuck something up for me gets its answer. Hooray! # Dear Congress: So, this whole bailout scheme doesn’t really seem to be working. Can you stop trying now? Just admit defeat, and stop. […]

Attention today’s crappy rain+snow mix evil slushy nonsense: Bite me. # ACK NOW IT IS SNOWING HARDCORE AND I AM NOT HAPPY AT ALL WITH THIS DEVELOPMENT # $7.4tn? Are you fucking kidding me? No, seriously, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? # want red patent jimmy choo mary janes in my size now please. # […]