the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts in postcards from insanityville

Am so twitchy and ready for this election to finally happen! WANT EXIT POLL CRACK NOW PLEASE. # OMG GOT MY OBAMAPALOOZA TICKET. GLEEEEEEEEE!! # Why do I have the feeling that attempting to get any productive work today will be an exercise in “not gonna happen”? # Reports are starting to filter in that […]

Am so twitchy and ready for this election to finally happen! WANT EXIT POLL CRACK NOW PLEASE. # OMG GOT MY OBAMAPALOOZA TICKET. GLEEEEEEEEE!! # Why do I have the feeling that attempting to get any productive work today will be an exercise in “not gonna happen”? # Reports are starting to filter in that […]

Currently wondering if swallowing nicotine gum poses either a poison risk or possible greater lessening of WANT A CIGARETTE NOW PLS THX. # There’s an unfair gap in red wine-drinking, where you launch from ‘I think I’ll have another’ straight to ‘Wow, that sound is so awesome.” # On the bright side, the wine /has/ […]

Wow. Just, wow: # Sunday paper brings news of a new Michaels store opening, less than a mile from me. Suddenly I approve of the Canal St. shopping mess. # [Insert standard offer of crash space to anyone coming in for Obamapalooza Tuesday here] # @smokes70 Oh, let’s compile a list. “X the Y,” […]

People who want Daniel Radcliffe to be the next Doctor make me stabby. # @mizmoose Yeah, pretty much. Stabby! # Mmmmm. Banana bread for breakfast (with orange honeycomb butter). Yum. # Powered by Twitter Tools.