the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • 172 miles to go! #

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  • Yayyyyyy #whitesox! Surprised as all git-out to find I could still get AM 670 in the middle of Ohio – thanks to cloud cover, maybe? #

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  • About to hit the road! Whee! #
  • Go Hawks! #
  • Yay #bulls! Side note: the NBA sites really stink as compared to the MLB sites. Dudes. Talk amongst yourselves. #
  • Can’t help but think that poor Wolverine reviews miss the point: SHIRTLESS HUGH JACKMAN and EXPLODY BOOM. Duh, @richardroeper! #

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  • Just spent a bunch of time figuring out what some really skanky code does… in order to put in a one-line change. Sigh. #
  • I feel conflicted about Pods getting called back up. I want to keep my 2005 happy memories, it was so sad to see him suck later. #whitesox #
  • Whine, whine, kvetch, kvetch, Thursday. meh. #
  • Fear I need to skip running club tonight to have enough time to do schoolwork & prep to get out of town tomorrow AM. Do not want to skip! :( #
  • At Hackneys, waiting for a friend and drinking a delicious cider! Oh free time, I love you so. #

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  • yay sox comeback! #
  • Also, choked on too much spicy peppercorn at lunch and now people think I’m Typhoid Mary because of the coughing. Marvy. #
  • At work, we are pinky-swearing not to come in if we feel remotely ill. They all have little disease-vector kids, though — I’m doomed. #
  • You know what makes niqui’s head hurt? Reading NFS v4 + POSIX + interoperability file locking specs and bickering. #
  • “Probable” #swineflu in Chicago. So that’s pretty awesome. Or something. #
  • sad. Freezing in sec 104, watching the Sox lose, and watching the Bulls score go back and forth and finally lose. Stupid Boston, Seattle! #
  • Go bulls!!!! Arch stupid jerk Boston jerkfaces! #
  • Dear white sox: it is frigging freezing out here, so start scoring & stop stinking, & let’s all go home to thaw. Love, –s #
  • Dear Boston Celtics: TD Banknorth Garden is a -really- stupid name. Ergo, you shall lose like losing losers. FYI. #

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