the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • So much awesome! Was just thinking about getting pissy about delay on this, too, after 1st discharged soldier. #
  • Can’t believe how archaic the college transcript-req/submit process still is. Snail mail? Really? Shouldn’t there be a clearinghouse by now? #
  • Star Trek == teh awesome. Go see! #
  • At navy pier waiting for star trek! #

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  • Oh, Pete Tong, why does your radio show start only when I’ve got to leave the office for an appointment, not when I really need it? #
  • My happy little perl script seems to be … working? Surely not! #
  • Woah. 50 game suspension for Manny for juicing. Wow. that’s gonna sting. #
  • For what is very possibly the first time ever, certainly first time since about 4th grade, have pulled a solid A in a math class. #

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  • Yummy outdoor lunch at First Chicago Bank Plaza with @hubbit, enjoying the 72°F temps and sunshine today! Yay Spring! #
  • Eight more days, two more homework assignments, and one more exam until SCHOOOOOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMAH! (Or for a few weeks, anyway.) #
  • House <3 #

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  • ded from funneh: #
  • I hate that I keep taking my at-work barrettes home with me, leaving me today with That One Bit of Bangs getting in my face driving me nuts. #
  • “Visibly angry Todd Stroger” bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, bite me, weenie. #
  • Yeah, okay, Sparky. Weren’t your fifteen minutes up about the time you started doing infomercials? #
  • Last math chapter test is in the bag! Just three more classes and I’m free, free as a bird, for like five whole weeks! They will be AWESOME! #

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  • Seriously? Failure to reduce speed? ITYM reckless homicide, no? #
  • So unbelievably exhausted this morning. And another non-stop week ahead. #
  • Dear #whitesox: Winning would be nice. JTIS. love, –sabrina. #
  • Kiyoshi wants me to know he is !!!NOT HAPPY!!! about having been !!!ALONE!!! !!!ALL!!! !!!WEEKEND!!! meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow #
  • Ok, having been out of town all wknd – why are Amoco & CNA bldgs lit with “CPD,” and another bldg with a 5- and a 4-digit number? #
  • Waiting to turn onto lake shore drive! Nearly home! #

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