the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • . @shadow No fair. Your stealthy dot tricked me into thinking maybe #twitterfail was fixed, for a minute there. In revenge, I shall steal it #
  • I really want some Gouda and an apple right now. #
  • AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Schmuck. RT @Chicago_News Chicago_News IRS hits Stroger with $11,688.10 tax lien #
  • What is really super interesting is watching numbers announcements directly translate into io ops on our NAS gadget. Zoom! #
  • Rainy day, and forgot my wallet in other bag at home today when I switched to school backpack o’books for class today. Inauspicious. #
  • Currently watching a Dick Van Dyke show rerun and #knitting on my Baudelaires – just checked and the heel fits perfectly now! #
  • Let’s go #whitesox! #

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  • Have not bought Oreos in years. When did they get this weird sticky pull-top packaging? Sticky + cookie crumbs… seems ineffectual. #
  • !!!!!!!!!!! yay. #
  • Excedrin Migraine, you are my favorite headache-buster ever. I really mean that. You are so much awesome in two tiny white cylinders! #
  • Yay #blackhawks! #

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  • You know, this whole thing does make me want to carry through on my threat to run for CC Board Prez on the “I am not Todd Stroger” platform. #
  • Oy. RT @tonyperaica: it has come to our attention that Todd Stroger will make his VETO announcement… #
  • Dear Clayton Richard: Suck less than those what came before you, k? Dear Jimmy Gobble: You need a nickname, stat. love, –s. #whitesox #
  • I think the most useful lesson Buy Nothing Month gave me was how worthless most of the junk on Amazon’s daily sales RSS feed actually is. #
  • Ohh….so deeply pissed over the hair coloring situation. First FAIL since the fifth grade! I don’t like dark brown hair, that’s the point! #
  • Ooooh, just getting crankier and crankier over the mouse brown. Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I’ve had brown hair? #
  • Still pretty pissed at the Garnier. This was *not* what the box indicated. And like four weeks before I should do-over. #
  • I am, unless the next shampoo significantly changes things, about to get very, very cranky with Garnier. Mouse brown is what I don’t want! #

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  • Just sent off some scholarship applications. Give me money so I can afford this silliness! #
  • Just submitted ’08-’09 FAFSA for summer qtr. EFC still makes me fall to the ground laughing hysterically. Um, yeah, maybe if rent/food free? #

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  • Puttering around the apt listening to #bigweekend and wishing I could be there! #
  • Also, dear, sad, playing-like-poo #whitesox: Straighten up, willya? I will see you tomorrow, and if you are crummy, there will be insults. #
  • Weekend! Love the weekend. Love love love it. Weekends are the best ever. You know why? THE WEEK. IT HAS ENDED. Hooray for weekend! #

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