the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Cast on for Swallowtail Shawl today, in some of my London souvenir Wensleydale wool. I need a scarlet shawl, right? Right. #
  • You know what I love about Chicago? Matt’s Chocolate Chip Cookies, that’s what. YUM. #
  • Am — uncharacteristically — really feeling the urge to hoof it over to Dunkin this morning, and get some Donuts. Hmmmm. #
  • @hubbit Last quicken transaction classification is 5/29. So. There you go, 5 weeksish. :) in reply to hubbit #
  • @hubbit Um, honestly, not sure. Prob at least 5-6 weeks? It’s mostly unobtrusive, except when it’s REALLY REALLY NOT. Still, gtng easier. in reply to hubbit #
  • Unusual for the past few weeks: really want a cigarette right now. Blame all the stuff blowing up outside. Sulk, sulk, sulk. #
  • Oooh, someone in near-near northwest has *excellent* fireworks. Are you the person who stole those mortars ISP were so worried about? #

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  • Also, @hubbit, still have .uk stuff for you (that I didn’t bring to seder due to possible corn syrup contam fears, & then later forgot)! #
  • @hubbit Should qualify: unfortunately for /her/. I am quite unfazed except in a schadenfreudic sort of way. in reply to hubbit #
  • @hubbit Yeah, but unfortch think this may be the exception to “no publicity is bad publicity.” Because, helloooo WTF crazy lady? in reply to hubbit #
  • Am pretty sure that I just threatened (via stepdad) to kick stepbro’s ass. Hmmm. Answering mom’s calls after bottle of wine may be unwise. #
  • Dusk means illegal fireworks o’clock! (RAAAR STILL WANT MY BALCONY :( ) #
  • Oh, I did my best, Prof, but the bottom line is I cannot listen to even good jazz for hours on end. Would rather listen to numbers stations! #
  • @Kbcraigs ¿Por qué? in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • O motivation, thou art fleeting and ne’er long of life. At least chez moi you are, anyway. LONDON LONDON LONDON LONDON #
  • I know it makes me a grammar snob, but I can’t quit laughing over Palin’s spokeswoman saying “the world is LITERALLY her oyster.” O RLY? #
  • Am starting to feel like a connoisseur of plane banners. Pepsi’s “Chi T[pepsi logo]WN” = win, that one w/3 lines of illegible text = FAIL. #
  • Oooh, more planes with banners. Malibu Rum & A&E’s “The Cleaner.” Wonder if it’s boring to be a pilot of those planes? #
  • @anamariecox But rebellious Luke Perry was so *dreamy*! And he had a *motorcycle*! in reply to anamariecox #
  • And with a sawed-off shotgun, no less. What, were you gonna take out everyone in front of you at the beer stand? #
  • Seriously? I want to know what part of “overpriced food festival” screams “I need to be armed.” Fight yr way to prtaptty? #
  • @christensen Well, I do always feel like somebody’s watching me. in reply to christensen #
  • @eddieizzard Wikipedia claims to! (Kinda.) in reply to eddieizzard #
  • One thing I never expected about living up this high – constantly seeing airplanes dragging banners around the loop. Geico, today. #
  • “Barclays Bank Plc” emails, “We have instructions to pay you the sum of £2,000,000.00 only.” Awww, not £2,000,000.02? But I like 2p coins! #

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  • @tubadood5150 Nothin’… watching block after block of cars completely fail to go anywhere, after city fireworks… Some ppl can’t be taught in reply to tubadood5150 #
  • @Ipstenu Hellz yeah! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • And, if you really MUST drive, since you knew it was going to be awful, maybe you could… I dunno… relax and lay off the horn a little? #
  • I mean, seriously. Why would you drive downtown for the fireworks? What are you thinking? You *KNOW* it’s going to be awful. Why not CTA? #
  • Ah, the third of July… aka “Look at all the poor bastards who drove downtown to watch the fireworks, hahahahahahaha” night. #
  • @Ipstenu It’s hard out here for a pimp. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Jubilee scarf is done, done, done! On the blocking wires! Yaaaaaay! #
  • Mmmmm. Threw pestering-for-food hungry cat out of bedroom in wee hours when he woke me; then slept 6 more blissful hours. SLEEP RULES. #

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  • Now to find out this wknd if book on linux kernel tuning has anything useful for current work project. Cross fingers! #
  • Am impressed with Chi Pub Lib’s selection of tech books. Now feel like a moron for buying; could’ve just got from library when needed. #
  • @secabeen Whoever has stolen your phone is frightening me! in reply to secabeen #
  • On way home, directed some ‘burbers to “real Chicago deep dish pizza,” then got asked if Printer’s Row was safe to walk around in. F’reals. #
  • @naughtyknitterz What sort of topics do you have in mind? in reply to naughtyknitterz #
  • @redeyechicago Power-wash the Division blue line stop. (And hope that the grime isn’t actually holding the concrete together.) in reply to redeyechicago #
  • You know, with my insane nutso schedule of doom lately, finding time to fit in “Harry Potter” around the 15th will be … challenging. Bah! #
  • @chowbok Your spam checker is Polish…and a really bad speller? in reply to chowbok #
  • @whitesoxgame 07:10? Surely you mean either 19:10 or 7:10pm? :) in reply to whitesoxgame #
  • Can’t decide if should go to hash this evening (haven’t been in like 5 wks), call pers trnr for appt, or just relax on 1st free nt in wks. #
  • @hubbit Truthfully I wouldn’t mind at all IF I HAD MY $#%^&*^%$^&* BALCONY BACK!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. in reply to hubbit #
  • @hubbit Um. Yes? No? What’s the right answer? I didn’t do it!!! in reply to hubbit #
  • Hey. You people with firecrackers. It’s only the first, dudes. Wait ’til Saturday! #
  • @hubbit Hablo solomente inglés y francés por Twitter. ;) ¿Y tú? in reply to hubbit #
  • *So* looking forward to this wknd and next week: NOTHING extracurricular on schedule until 14th. A chance to relax! #
  • Should also note that have been near-obsessed with trying to spot the Chicago Y lately. Most rcntly spotted in Grant Prk. #
  • Super cool. RT @ForgottenChi: New Forgotten Chicago feature – Long Lost Loop Lanes – #
  • Dammit. I was still holding out, hoping against hope that I might have my balcony back for this weekend. I guess I should give up now. #

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  • Got 95% on Spanish test! Yay me! Unfortch have no idea which I missed, hard to study this way–stupid blackboard. #
  • Homework done; flash cards made; ready (hopefully) for Spanish test tmrw; kitchen clean; laundry…contemplated, laughed at, and ignored. #
  • Was just v. nonplussed to discover #whitesox in a rain delay (“but it’s not *raining*!”), until remembered they are on the road. Doh. #
  • Remembering sharing my fish ‘n chips with a stranger on the street in SoHo (and his “Ooh, chips!” greeting) last Jan still makes me smile. #

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