the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Not particularly enjoying my current cold/congestion/allergies/whatever. Think it just hit me ‘cos of being sleepless/run down, but sigh. #
  • Considering writing The Library Corporation a letter w/my opinion of Carl’s “artificial intelligence” capabilities. (*Real* artificial.) #
  • Also, Happy Mark Buehrle Day! #whitesox #
  • I want the AAHCA text in audio form so I can “read” while doing other things. I wonder if it’s available that way anywhere per ADA or smthg? #
  • Wait a second. How is twitter updating my facebook status again? I turned that off ages ago, and didn’t turn it back on. Confused! #

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  • I’m a dumbass, but in a good cause. Reading the full text of America’s Affordable Health Care Act bill. 1018 pages. Then write short paper! #
  • Dear United States House o’Representatives: This health care bill of yrs would’ve been a lot shorter if your margins weren’t like 80% of pg. #
  • @Kbcraigs Yeah, a friend sent that to me and my first response was that y’all were gonna be pissed. We can compln abt disaptng trades tgthr. in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • I would almost rather have the normal shouting, swearing Angry Room back because (a) it’s funnier and (b) not as weird as “eeeeee.” #
  • Angry Room is nonverbal today: They are not shouting words, just sounds. Sometimes angry sounds, sometimes sad. Confusing. #
  • @Sanityknit @Kbcraigs #
  • @hubbit Tell me more about this suspension bridge thing….. in reply to hubbit #
  • I started morning off rite w/letter to #whitesox sales rep asking for I Can Has Cheezburger Nite at the Cell with the Sox! CAN HAS?!?! #
  • @talkchibaseball Don’t fret too much. There are only a few more games left at the KryptoniteDome before never, ever again! #whitesox in reply to talkchibaseball #

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  • Still coming down a bit from Camp Pluckyfluff. Srsly wish school was out. 2 wks between qtrs will not be enough to catch up on hobbies! #
  • Upstairs is pounding, or stomping, or something on the floor. V. odd; usu. never hear any noise from other units. Only rsn I sing w/radio! #
  • @cloudlover No, it’s not weird… My first impulse, personally, is to go buy a ton of mohair (and cackle madly while doing so). in reply to cloudlover #
  • Camp Pluckyfluff: a weekend of win. Not a huge novelty yarn fan, yet LOVE all the yarns I spun up this wknd. Need moar mohair! (& free time) #
  • Dear Amazon Marketplace: over $6 to ship a single Pilot Varsity disposable fountain pen? Are you insane? No, seriously, that is nuts. #

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