the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @christensen Am starting to think it is your secret hobby to switch blog platforms/hosts/etc. #
  • Woo! Classes all done for summer quarter! Just have to email paper to writing prof & am on break! IT IS A THING OF BEAUTY. #
  • Hooray! $dad{niqui} rescued $grandma{niqui}’s computer, and crisis has officially ended. Phew. #
  • Monday drags on. And on. Brought swallowtail shawl to knit on in class tonight, if I get any knitting time. We’ll see. #
  • Morning started out with coffee & health care discussion with friend at work, who is hard-core right and always fun to debate things with. #
  • @guardianrobot #ineedahug because today’s going to be a long day! #

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  • @sanityknit That sort of admonishment more useful on the weekends not entirely taken up by having to unexpectedly work most of the time. :) in reply to sanityknit #
  • Ha! For like the first time ever, Word politely waited to freak out and crash until AFTER I saved in all my open docs! WOOHOO! #
  • Grararraghggh. Sorry, @Chowbok, we’ll have to continue this later, I seriously gotta work on this ^&*( paper. #
  • @chowbok Also, why does providing service mean less innovation? Hasn’t been the case for, say, free & open source software. in reply to chowbok #
  • @chowbok But innovating new solutions is not the same as putting them into practice and providing care. in reply to chowbok #
  • Argh. Keep getting sidetracked from homework. Stay on target, Gold Leader! #
  • @chowbok And also, show me the hippie liberal treehuggers bringing weapons to protests and referencing spilling the blood of opponents. in reply to chowbok #
  • @Ipstenu You must’ve picked the wrong 5 minutes to be outside, then! :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @chowbok Do you have an example of that actually working? Because it’s not here. in reply to chowbok #
  • @chowbok Nice generalization there of, uh, people making generalizations. in reply to chowbok #
  • @mizmoose Ooh, seriously? Have met him before but am more inclined to fangirl at the mo. Citing 2 of his works in today’s paper. in reply to mizmoose #
  • Am severely let down by wimpy storm that came thru for 5 minutes, just enough to move dirt from air to my balcony, where it is now glued. #
  • Wait. That’s it? That’s all you’ve got? The storm is over now? THAT SUCKED. I DEMAND A DO-OVER. #
  • Oh hey, *there’s* that thunderstorm! Nicely timed. #
  • @jime60647 AMEN. Oh, don’t get me started! in reply to jime60647 #
  • Also, am bitterly disappointed that promised severe thunderstorms failed to appear. Feh. #
  • Reading Peter Salus’ “The Daemon, The Gnu, & The Penguin” makes me miss being able to go to LISA. #
  • Cannot wait for next weekend. No homework. Can safely while away the entire 2 days on baseball and knitting/dyeing/spinning. & sleeping!! #
  • Ready for the fighter jets to wrap it up and head back home, now. #
  • @BaseballStone I agree. I was sad to see him leave, but hopefully the new digs will work out a little better for him, without the baggage. in reply to BaseballStone #
  • On the bright side, did get 14 rows of Lily of the Valley Border done on Swallowtail last night. Nupps not so bad, actually, just slooow. #
  • Nearly 3am Sat nite/Sun morning and am crashing now. Was up late for work, of course, not fun. Next time, ppl can fix their own mistakes. #

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  • Dear myisamchk: Bite my shiny metal *ass*. </3, –s. #
  • @christensen Why? It’s not like there were scary, sudden noises or anything. in reply to christensen #
  • And I finished purling the last row of budding lace repeat in my Swallowtail Shawl as the #whitesox get the final out and win. Nice timing! #
  • Farmio and DJ are kinda cracking me up on the radio #whitesox broadcast today. Also, woohoo for Thome! #
  • Am so unutterably spoiled these days. “What do you mean it’s going to take *20* *whole* *minutes* to transfer this 60G file?” *moan* #
  • On the bright side, realizing have so much money tied up in yarn/fiber stashes already makes missing MI Fiber Fest sting less. #
  • Not sure if am glad #Ravelry makes it so easy to do inventory like this. Felt better when thought complete stash was only worth like $800. #
  • Just had a bad moment tallying up apx values of knitting & spinning gear for my records… apparently all those wee purchases really add up. #
  • Seems unlikely I am going to make it to Michigan today. Slept too late, still have too much to do. Maybe tomorrow. Will see how it goes. #
  • Troubleshooting this problem step by step would be a lot less tedious if it wasn’t ~45 minutes a pop. Wanna go to sleep! #

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  • @smokes70 Dude WTF is going on in Uptown?? #
  • Of course, the fear of running new code on live data is abated somewhat by the time you realize that the host is too broken for it to work. #
  • Satisfying: completely redoing an awful script into a simple, clear one. Terrifying: running it for the first time on live data. #
  • @stephenfry That’s nothing. Someone threw a cup of beer at an opposing outfielder at a Cubs game the other day, & hit him in face w/it. in reply to stephenfry #
  • @sanityknit I should hope he’d be contrite! Jeez. in reply to sanityknit #
  • Dude. This #Cubs lead is insane. 17 runs on 14 hits, to 2, at bot 4th? #
  • @jime60647 What? But… Mel Gibson made that movie in Aramaic! Are you saying he was wrong?!?! in reply to jime60647 #
  • @jime60647 Think positive. If it’s blown, everyone will know precisely who blew it…and, hopefully, blame appropriately. in reply to jime60647 #
  • I think, the older I get, the shorter I want my tabstops to be. Contemplating merits of two spaces over four at the mo. #
  • @sanityknit Man. That furball meant business. :( I hope it turns out ok and feels better soon!! in reply to sanityknit #
  • @guardianrobot #highfive #
  • Oooh, it’s Friday, that means a new episode of The Now Show to look forward to for this evening! #
  • @shadow More like, “This is a train wreck and we’re all fucking sloppy,” w/subtext of “I can only clean up so much of your shit.” in reply to shadow #
  • Just wrote one of those long emails you let sit for a little while before you actually let yourself hit ‘send.’ #
  • If I should be so lucky to dig out from under work and be actually able to go to MI Fiber Fest.. need to write shopping list & budget. #
  • Back home from helping friend clean out his cluttered basement.. throwing things away is cathartic (especially when not yours!) #

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