the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Wait, what? I didn’t pay attention, drank a bottle of beaujolais instead, and the #whitesox have a 12-1 lead? FINISHING THIS BOTTLE OFF! #
  • Stopped by the ATM on the way home today and withdrew money to take to the casino Sunday! Totally excited! Let’s go, Team Aftermath! #
  • @sanityknit I don’t wish him ill! I just want him playing for a crappy team in the NL so we never have to face him. :P in reply to sanityknit #
  • @sanityknit Oh, but Kim, didn’t you know: when confronted with ideas you dislike, you should clap hands over ears & LA LA I’M NOT LISTENING in reply to sanityknit #
  • @hubbit No, no… we decided to have a for-fun lunchtime game at work. Today was our first outing. I have higher hopes for next time. ;) in reply to hubbit #
  • @smokes70 Eh, it wasn’t splashing – not literally throwing the chips. Just betting like “We haven’t played any green ones yet!” in reply to smokes70 #
  • Looking forward to hitting WI S&W next weekend. Still want mohair, and dyes, want more bobbins, and see all the goodies, and and and… #
  • Trying to play poker with people who are throwing chips around at random completely throws me off. At least it was entertaining. #

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  • Root, root, root for the #whitesox … Chicago’s — well, part of Chicago, anyways — proud of you! #
  • I’ve been sitting here going, why is evrybdy talking like there’s a game, when my schedule, right in frnt of me, clrly says it’s an off day? #
  • I think I just impressed myself, as well as @writchrd, that I somehow managed to totally forget about the makeup game today. #whitesox #
  • Am having to fight really, really hard against urge to buy tons of KnitPicks laceweight on sale. :( #
  • @smokes70 Just 3 more days ’til dim sum gambling day! You can hold out ’til then! in reply to smokes70 #
  • @robotviki …really? Hasn’t the Predatory Wasp of the Palisades gotten you yet? in reply to robotviki #
  • @lizg640 Maybe we’ll ALL hit! That would be a birthday to remember!! :-) in reply to lizg640 #
  • @tinapurl Oooh, how did you know I was on a total lace kick lately? Is it some sort of yarn-selling, lace-sensing magic? in reply to tinapurl #
  • You know. I know the #whitesox are being just awful lately and it’s been painful to watch, but the offseason, no baseball at all, is worse. #
  • Yesterday, gave thought to doing some sort of French program in Quebec. Should really worry about finishing BA first. But planning is fun! #
  • Totally looking forward to the weekend! Baseball, knitting, and casino for friend’s b-day! Steph’s gonna hit a royal flush, I know it! #
  • Pulled trigger on £4 bag. (Along with £0.85 badge and two books.) Just had to. They made me laugh too much not to own them. #
  • Petty kvetching aside, am secretly v. pleased don’t have class on #Glee nights, so can actually watch it when it airs instd of DVRed. Yay! #

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  • Root, root, root for the #whitesox … Chicago’s — well, part of Chicago, anyways — proud of you! #
  • I’ve been sitting here going, why is evrybdy talking like there’s a game, when my schedule, right in frnt of me, clrly says it’s an off day? #
  • I think I just impressed myself, as well as @writchrd, that I somehow managed to totally forget about the makeup game today. #whitesox #
  • Am having to fight really, really hard against urge to buy tons of KnitPicks laceweight on sale. :( #
  • @smokes70 Just 3 more days ’til dim sum gambling day! You can hold out ’til then! in reply to smokes70 #
  • @robotviki …really? Hasn’t the Predatory Wasp of the Palisades gotten you yet? in reply to robotviki #
  • @lizg640 Maybe we’ll ALL hit! That would be a birthday to remember!! :-) in reply to lizg640 #
  • @tinapurl Oooh, how did you know I was on a total lace kick lately? Is it some sort of yarn-selling, lace-sensing magic? in reply to tinapurl #
  • You know. I know the #whitesox are being just awful lately and it’s been painful to watch, but the offseason, no baseball at all, is worse. #
  • Yesterday, gave thought to doing some sort of French program in Quebec. Should really worry about finishing BA first. But planning is fun! #
  • Totally looking forward to the weekend! Baseball, knitting, and casino for friend’s b-day! Steph’s gonna hit a royal flush, I know it! #
  • Pulled trigger on £4 bag. (Along with £0.85 badge and two books.) Just had to. They made me laugh too much not to own them. #
  • Petty kvetching aside, am secretly v. pleased don’t have class on #Glee nights, so can actually watch it when it airs instd of DVRed. Yay! #

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  • Damn you, #Glee. Am going to have chirpy Don’t Stop Believin’ stuck in my head when I wake up in the morning, aren’t I? #
  • @Ipstenu No, no, no! It’s not crap! It’s cheesy good fun! Go halvsies on a PB&J with someone & sing along. (not going to make obv Jrny ref.) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @shadow Hmm, dang, you’re right. IMDB just says “OSS Agent.” & I just watched that (twice, once w/commentary!) this past weekend! in reply to shadow #
  • OTOH… I /could/ use it to carry knitting WIPs around the house……. and it is *only* £4……… #
  • ZOMG. Just found source for bag I really want, only £4! But logo is too profane to use so it’s just to entertain self. Budget guilt. #
  • @Ipstenu @smokes70 Yeah, first is the Director’s Cut, then the second one has a live twitter feed. Gotta give points for effort! & SINGING #
  • @shadow Did you use her alter ego in XF ep “Triangle”? Or exhaust the chars she played in college theatre? in reply to shadow #
  • @cst_sox <3 I knew I liked that kid for a reason! in reply to cst_sox #
  • @talkchibaseball I’m in my happy place. It may only last until Friday at 7:11 CDT, but I’m there. #whitesox #
  • Alexei, I have forgiven you for at least 3, if not 4, of the innumerable errors you have committed this season. GO, GO-GO #WHITESOX! #
  • @ericksonky Sez you :) #
  • @hubbit I think you’ve got it wrong. It’s reg-a-lur-ly or reg’lur-ly. The ‘yoo’ sound is lost. But I don’t think it’s reg-la-lurry. in reply to hubbit #
  • @Ipstenu Gak. It no longer being 1991, I ditched X ages ago. ;) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu No — I need a terminal definition to use on my remote hosts that will allow their apps to display properly on my local terminal. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Dear Interwebs: Does there exist a terminal definition that makes ncurses look right in #mac #
  • Hey NYC single ladies, you should date my friend Dan! #
  • Angry Room is off to a loud, f-word-laden start this morning. Am going to have to threaten to throw self-help books at them again? #

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  • @Ipstenu No. Any unused postseason ticket $ is a non-rfndable deposit on next year’s tickets. Can’t refuse either, or you lose seats nxt yr. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Just printed out order confirmation page of paying for #whitesox postseason tickets I’m sure they were premature in requiring me to buy. #
  • I mean that in the nicest possible way. #
  • Hm. How best to convey concept of “developer == inherently subordinate to sysadmins; ergo, you breaka my systems, i breaka you face”? #
    #whitesox #
  • Dudes. It’s not “a 100.” “100” is “one hundred.” To write “a hundred,” you have to type “hundred” out. Even you, @Chicagoist! #
  • I’m going to be bummed all day that the Nicest Man in Baseball (sorry, Tribe fans, I totes disagree w/you) is no longer a #whitesox. :( #
  • As for the other half of that trade. Well. At least I don’t have to carry through on my Charlie Sheen in _Major League_ threat. #
  • Oh my God, we traded Jim Thome. So he could have a shot at a WS, & I hope he does, but still. I think I’ll be sad frowny niqui all day. :( #

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