the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • And suddenly, my hope faded, as Scott Linebrink ran out… #
  • So, uh, this KC 3rd baseman: hates his job, sucks at it, really misses AAA, or just lazy? (not that I’m not grateful!) #whitesox #
  • @Kbcraigs are they from India, or Oz? in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • @sanityknit are you serious? Someone actually said that? Aloud? in reply to sanityknit #
  • @sanityknit hooray! Now no more turnpike ATM fees ‘cos I forgot to get cash before heading to your place! in reply to sanityknit #
  • As it turns out, walking down Mich Ave w/ a spinning wheel in the middle of the day on Saturday gets you lots of curious stares. #
  • I be off to spin some yarrrrrnses. #wwsip #itlapd #
  • I love that both “Avast” and “Ahoy” are trending topics. #
  • @sanityknit It is very, very fuzzy indeed. I misunderestimated the fuzz factor on Suri Dream. :-) Just wanna snuggle it…. in reply to sanityknit #
  • Sign #1 your fuzzy scarf project is fuzzy indeed: When it’s in shadow, you momentarily mistake it for your cat. #
  • @christensen Yarrr, them be fightin’ words ye be tweetin’. :-) in reply to christensen #

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  • @bmoyles Awww! Don’t be mean to RPM! Are spec files sassing you? in reply to bmoyles #
  • @cloudlover Ugh! “I’ve never had to worry about anyone else” — that is the helicopter generation in one tidy quote right there. in reply to cloudlover #
  • Register for Ohio Linux Fest! Keep me company! RT @mizmoose #ohiolinux is tasty and stays crunchy in milk. #
  • Ha, ha! Took advantage of coming home when still light out to wipe spiderwebs down off balcony. Take that, Spidey! #
  • @Kbcraigs If you’re in a stat(istic)s class, and have a good book for it, lmk, ‘cos I need to brush up some. :) in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • @christensen It wasn’t propoganda, it was an attempt to inspire you to new great cooking heights! I feel so unappreciated. in reply to christensen #
  • @Kbcraigs Hey, are you doing any stats? I need to learn some but won’t have time in sched for a class til nxt yr smtm – could use book recs. in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • I could totally go for some lovely goatsmilk chèvre right now. #

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  • Finished Nelly scarf tonight! Yay! That means I got to cast on for a new one. Picked Zetor scarf in Suri Dream. We’ll see how it works. #
  • AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH fighting insistent urge to cast on yet another new project! but it’s haaaaaard!! #knitting #
  • @tinapurl Lace. ;) in reply to tinapurl #
  • @Ipstenu It might’ve about 5 years ago. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @smokes70 Because I don’t do electronic to-do lists. Tried repeatedly and it does not work for me, I need to scribble on paper. in reply to smokes70 #
  • @Gallo28 Yeah, but would we do it before or after asking for an autograph? in reply to Gallo28 #
  • Dammit! Third day running, I left my dayplanner at home, despite reminding self to grab it. Personal organization fail. :( #
  • @Ipstenu Well… I didn’t say I was pulling down my wall calendar! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Google Calendar’s new sports feature is possibly the coolest thing ever. Now I can un-tape my #whitesox pocket calendar from my monitor… #
  • @Gallo28 Happy thoughts every day!! in reply to Gallo28 #

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  • @Gallo28 I like the way you think! in reply to Gallo28 #
  • @StevenGlassman You are my new hero! Thanks! So much easier than what I was thinking (breaking into keyboard bindings w/dev tools)! in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • This quarter’s class is going to kick my ass, but might be interesting and, dare I hope, even a little fun? #
  • Crap. Just realized I left something expensive and a pain to replace out of the fridge. Ughhhh. #
  • @beth825 Oooo. Now I’m even *more* jealous. in reply to beth825 #
  • @Southpaw Quiet? He was obviously awed to be in your presence! :-) in reply to Southpaw #
  • @beth825 I saw someone in the elevator today with purple glittery toes and was jealous. I’ll be 2x jealous if you have purple glitter too! in reply to beth825 #
  • @chicagostyle This tweet terrifies me. :) in reply to chicagostyle #
  • @hubbit Well, in fairness, you could have favorite foods to, frex, wrestle in. Important to be clear about these things. in reply to hubbit #
  • @Ipstenu Shift-Apple-M, or option-zoom, here. annoying :( in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Yes, I know this is trivial. But I do not want multiple key/click sequences to switch to Mini Player. #
  • Dammit! Forgot the Mini Player shortcut was missing, and upgraded iTunes on laptop too. This sucks. I want + button = Mini Player back!! #
  • @InsideTheSox A fishing trip, and Buehrle missed it? Slacker! in reply to InsideTheSox #
  • @redeyechicago This wknd, noticed my retirement funds were basically back to where they were 1yr ago. The intervention worked. in reply to redeyechicago #
  • @HouseFloor Very insightful about the internal operations of our federal government. :-) in reply to HouseFloor #
  • Why, why does Apple Store MacBook configurator only offer disk options on size? Would much rather have faster than 5400rpm than bigger! #
  • @jime60647 ITA also. I seek out opposing view points & talk pols with R friends all the time. If nthng else it helps me make my case better! #
  • @jime60647 The idea of listening respectfully to opposing views and letting yourself be challenged is dead. Easier to whine about mean libs. in reply to jime60647 #
  • Bananas remain my favorite fruit, with apples in a close second, but perfectly ripe peaches are my favorite “treat” fruit. Yummmmmm. #
  • @StevenGlassman Congrats! Of course this has just opened the door for letting another daemon make you cry instead. :) in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • Yesterday did some more spinning in the eve before giving up. I think I have temporarily lost my mojo. Hmmm. #
  • Nobody puts baby in the corner! #radio1 #
  • @Ipstenu Oh? I can’t do the hose part (30th fl) but I can wipe it down and then go crazy with Lemon Pledge, all right. *crosses fingers* in reply to Ipstenu #

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