the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • O hai, procrastinating homework. It’s been days since I’ve been able to make some time for you! #
  • @smokes70 No, something you actively try to avoid. In context: after getting one’s ears pieced, infection is the anti-goal. in reply to smokes70 #
  • Is there a single word which means the opposite of a goal — an anti-goal? #
  • RT @dceiver Graham Norton, on sleeping with Berlusconi: “If he doesn’t come in half and hour, you get free garlic bread.” // *snort* #
  • @smokes70 Ha! Oh, no, dear god, no. No. Math is hard! Let’s go shopping. in reply to smokes70 #
  • In case anyone in addition to @smokes70 has been wondering WTF I am yammering on about: Lilalaunetuch is a knit shawl. #
  • Nothing quite as annoying as getting all the way to the end of ordering something and realizing you left your wallet (& cards) at home. #
  • @smokes70 haha. Lilalaunetuch is a knitted lace shawl. in reply to smokes70 #
  • Aughhghghghgh. Today is Failday. #
  • Up to row 172 on Lilalaunetuch, and into the 2nd to last motif! And I suspect it’s gonna be hyooge when it’s done – yay! #

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  • Am pretty sure I just hit the wall of “how much school work I can do today.” #
  • Zomg. Like 5 hours straight working on school stuff. Break time nao, I think. #
  • My plan for skool is coming together…surprisingly well, actually. Better than expected. #
  • @hubbit @thebkwyrm Try watching Teletubbies narrated by a PhD friend who likes to deconstruct symbolism. It gets weirder. in reply to hubbit #
  • It occurs to me that a great lifelong tragedy to befall me would be if I suddenly became allergic to hair dye. #
  • Kneeling on tile floor to scrub grout with a nail brush has little to recommend it as recreation, but the results are especially gratifying. #
  • She said, don’t I know you from the cinematographer’s party? #
  • Unexplected pleasure: went out on my balcony and there was Orion, the constellation, right there. #

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  • Also. @mizmoose, you crazy lunatic. The Fifth Doctor is awesome, and Butterfingers rule! So there. Nyah. :P~~~~~~ #
  • And with 20 minutes left on the clock, tally still stands at three trick or treaters. Next year, am going to steal a house to give candy at. #
  • @mizmoose I should note, also, that I don’t know what a Baby Ruth is like. Don’t think I’ve ever had one. Wish combo had Almond Joy instead. in reply to mizmoose #
  • @mizmoose Haven’t tried the chawklit UK ones. But the US ones are CRACK. in reply to mizmoose #
  • I am now up to THREE trick or treaters. One angel (w/devil Mom), one Hulk, and one teensy-tiny toddler wizard who liked crinkly wrappers. #
  • @mizmoose Ah, but I notice you didn’t criticise the Smarties. Because you can’t. Smarties are AWESOME. in reply to mizmoose #
  • Hooray! I finally got a trick or treater! #
  • @mizmoose You are a crazy crazy person! (But I also have Baby Ruth and Smarties. And Laffy Taffy. It was an assortment!) in reply to mizmoose #
  • On the bright side, though, it does make me feel less guilty for not really doing up a great costume this year. #
  • Am gonna be really bummed if no trick-or-treaters even come by. :( #
  • @jime60647 Wow! Nice! …next time you’re going to have backups, right? :-) in reply to jime60647 #
  • Disappointing. No kids trick-or-treating here yet, 45 mins into 2 hr candy window. I even bought the good stuff for them: Butterfingers. #
  • I just got an undeliverable DSN email. In re: an email I sent “6/23/2009 11:15 AM.” Go, Exchange, go. #
  • Aaaa. Weight training may be paying off, but that doesn’t mean it comes without paying a price. My poor noodle arms! #
  • @seanware Drat these computers! They’re so naughty and complex. I could pinch them! in reply to seanware #
  • Working on school planning is tiring. Off to beddy-bye for me. #

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  • @shadow Pgh must be different…I was the only one I saw all day, unless you count the newbie students in coat, scarf, & hat in 65° temps. in reply to shadow #
  • @cloudlover Dude, I cannot even imaging having room for 60lbs of wool, plus space & materials to dye like you! My hero :-D in reply to cloudlover #
  • @shadow Well, it’s the day before Halloween – I’d be the only one there wearing a wacky get-up! Not quite the center of attn I want to be. in reply to shadow #
  • Cleaned desk off. Life is good. #
  • @sanityknit At least everyone I know who’s had it already says it’s basically just ordinary flu. So that’s a comfort. Excuse to drink tea! in reply to sanityknit #
  • @sanityknit Yeah. Well, no help for it now. Just have to find some way to make up the lost time. Oh, and enjoy my 2 wks off work. =) in reply to sanityknit #
  • I can’t even believe I freaking took time off work to take that stupid class and it fills up the day before I register. #
  • So you know that Dec class I was all adither about taking and finally decided to? Full. Wait list? Full. FML. #
  • Just made my Brainiversary hotel reservations for January!!! Excited! #
  • weeeeeeeeeeeekeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnd! and Happy Birfday @hubbit! #
  • @hubbit @ElyssaD ITYM #tweet was a #twick :-) in reply to hubbit #
  • So what happens if I post #trick? #
  • Oh, and — I think I won the lunchtime poker game today! I got so much shit one time I won a hand by bluffing. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! #
  • @mizmoose I used to be a spy, until… in reply to mizmoose #
  • What I like about listening to numbers stations recordings is that I will never, ever know if this meant anything at all to anyone. #
  • The drawback to dressing up for H’ween on Friday means that if you go out after work without changing 1st, you look like a complete dork. #
  • I need a new .sig: “The number & nagginess of questions you send me rather than Googling directly (& negatively) affects my response rate.” #
  • @jime60647 Ohhh, I *hate* those! So much more intrusive and irritating. in reply to jime60647 #
  • Software upgrades, network changes, DST ending. What a fantastic weekend for my first on-call with the new group. *twitch* #
  • @cloudlover So, how much wool is in your house at any given point? :-) in reply to cloudlover #
  • @Ipstenu @hubbit I only hope that English churros aren’t like Chicago fish ‘n chips: disappointing. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Fantastic news. Moving to the UK won’t mean giving up churros! #
  • @Ipstenu Sure, it’s a legit technique for sorting, originated about 10 yrs ago. Loads of web forms reject it as illegal, wrongfully. in reply to Ipstenu #
  • So far, I appear to be the only person who mustered any Halloween spirit for workplace dress today. Obvy, should have brought leis for all. #

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  • @hubbit And knitting! in reply to hubbit #
  • @hubbit *whispers* Am not going anywhere. Staying at home, but taking an intersession class — just not going to work. Kinda relaxing! in reply to hubbit #
  • Yay! Vacation time is a go! I looooove you, vacation! #
  • I am pleased to note that the past little while of swearing off sugar has resulted in approximately 7.6% less niqui. #
  • @Southpaw Well, I’m with you on the first two. Sadly, can’t get too enthused about WS. Rather renew my #whitesox tix & think abt nxt yr :) in reply to Southpaw #
  • @Ipstenu @smokes70 That is “Jeep” for “Pleeeease buy our ginormousmobile before oil hits $100/barrel again & it loses value, pleeeease!” in reply to Ipstenu #
  • Mmmm nom nom. Miso soup and chirachi box from Tokyo Lunchbox = lunch yummers. Way better than regrettable eggroll any day. #
  • The problem with saying things like “Maybe tomorrow I’ll get fish and chips!” is that I have yet to discover good f-n-c around here. #
  • I don’t understand why Entourage asks “are you sure?” when I delete stuff from my junkmail folder, but not for *actual* email. #
  • I am at a loss to explain why I want eggrolls for lunch despite the fact that I know eating at China 65 always ends in regret. #
  • @hubbit Jeez! Hope they find the guy. :( in reply to hubbit #
  • And the final decision was 2 bags of Smarties (personal fave), plus one big bag of chocolate bars. Hope this is enough for trick-or-treaters #
  • Nearly waited too long to buy candy for H’ween; when I went ystdy, CVS was already replacing displays with Xmas stuff, argh. #
  • @beth825 Cute! in reply to beth825 #
  • Great. Having zombie nightmares, and I’m not even really on the stupid bandwagon. :( #
  • @Ipstenu Civic? Used should be inexpensive, reliable, and hold value relatively OK. in reply to Ipstenu #

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