the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Just finished Lilalaunetuch row 200. 408 stitches wide at this point. 18 more to go, then I can bind off!!! (Not happening tonight tho!) #
  • @Sanityknit You MUST check out @Regretsy! #
  • There really IS an app for everything! #
  • @mizmoose So did I. Um. Whoops? in reply to mizmoose #
  • @ebertchicago Pearl Harbor. aka Hours Of Our Lives We Can Never Get Back. #NameThatFilm in reply to ebertchicago #
  • Screw homework. Row 192 of Lilalaunetuch done. On to the last motif! – Next proj, am tempted to start on self-designed Prairie. Fret? #
  • Posted my Louet for sale to craigslist. Wonder if I’ll have any more luck this way? #
  • @sanityknit Thanks :) I can’t wait to see it once it’s actually done! in reply to sanityknit #
  • Wish I could stay home and knit on my pretty Lilalaunetuch! Alas, am off to gym to have pers trainer beat me up again. Then homework. Augh! #
  • Lilalaunetuch in progress: #
  • “Do I have to declare 22p in interest income on taxes?” I think you should, just to amuse whoever reads the paperwork. #
  • @smokes70 Weekend weekend weekend! WEEEEEEEK ENNNNNND I love you weekend! in reply to smokes70 #
  • Still thinking longingly of a new wheel. If I roadtrip all the way up to The Fold, I practically *have* to buy one to jstfy the trip, yeah? #
  • Indeed. Yikes. // RT @soxmachine What the hell happened to Sammy Sosa’s face? #

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  • Now tho, pressing Lilalaunetuch problem presents itself: What color am I going to dye it? Purpley-blue, maybe? Violet? So many choices. #
  • In the Lilalaunetuch home stretch: Row 184! Just 24 rows left! So excited to see it IRL – it’s too wide to stretch out on the needle! #
  • Also, I do not like that the driver of said Ford Escape is more concerned about having pink lights than the actual car. Stereotype much? #
  • Do not like new Ford Escape ads. Encouraging drivers to be ignorant re: oil changes, etc. seems counter-productive. #
  • @rikkikite That doesn’t address the paranoid question — but, that said, who cares if you’re paranoid, if it keeps your data safe. in reply to rikkikite #
  • @rikkikite I think the burden of proof lies on the accuser – if they think you are person X, they should say person X’s zip code, not ask. in reply to rikkikite #
  • @eddieizzard Hi, Cardiff! #
  • I am seriously considering screaming at the wall for $neighbor to STFU with the loud and annoying sound effects already. YEE-HAW! #
  • @Ipstenu d’awwwwww. That was adorable! (Also: How the hell did he walk in those boots. Man.) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • This. // RT @Ipstenu Dear Anti-Gay-Marriage people. If a Civil Union is ‘enough’, why don’t you guys try it out? #
  • THAT IS AWESOME. // RT @smokes70 I see this in @sldownard ‘s future! #
  • Well-intentioned person inquiring as to who these strange people (sysadmins) logging in to his system were == endless mirth this AM. #

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  • Recipe: GO NOM NOW (ok, tomorrow) #
  • Verdict on pulled pork dinner: YUMMMMMMMM. dudes. dirt-simple recipe, brilliant payoff. MAKE IT. #
  • Jeez. This 11.2RC2 installer must have picked to download packages from. Taking forever! #
  • No matter how crappy I feel, never fails to cheer me up. #
  • Hooray! @christensen’s iTunes is happy to fill in where mine falls short. #
  • Bummer. Not only do not have With The Lights Out in work MP3 library, don’t even have Nevermind. So much for that “think I’ll listen to.” #
  • @thebkwyrm Sure it is. That’s what they meant when they said it during the Bush Admin, after all! in reply to thebkwyrm #
  • Oprah’s leaving #Chicago for LA? This stinks. #
  • Waiting for the Excedrin to kick in. Faster, Excedrin, faster. #
  • @StevenGlassman It’s mostly funny because of who was behind it. Bunch of goofballs = not criminal mastermind material. in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • Hahahahahaha. Florida H3 hashers are terrists! FLEE THE STRANGE WHITE POWDER! #
  • @hubbit @tzikeh @ipstenu Plot! Plot! Plot! in reply to hubbit #
  • @hubbit Hehe. Could probably do something v. similar with chicken! Mmmm…nom nom nom crockpot bbq! in reply to hubbit #
  • My. This #whitesox Teahen trade is interesting news for a Thursday. #
  • Crock pot full of dry rubbed pork loin, beer, and liquid smoke set to cook slowly all day. Dinner already smells fantastic. #
  • Okay, this is pretty COMPLETELY AWESOME. Pickles, french fries, yum yum yum! #
  • @hubbit @tzikeh Yes please! in reply to hubbit #
  • So hey, since the stupid Yankees won, I can has House, Fringe, and most importantly #Glee back next week, yeah? GLEEEEEEEE <3 #
  • Exactly. // RT @chicagostyle Just don’t like the yankees. They don’t feel authentic. More like a “cast” than a “team” #
  • Responded to someone’s Craigslist ad to maybe go see a movie this weekend. Feels surprisingly like an audition. Um, I am awesome? #
  • @StevenGlassman Oh, man, they’ve really got their claws into you. They only had me for checking & visa (both via acquisition). Good luck! in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • @StevenGlassman I dumped Chase (in a fit of rage) and went with a tiny local bank with 1 location. Never been happier! in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • So @Southpaw, what was YOUR submission for Best Gordon Beckham Nickname? #
  • I admit it’s a bit wordy, but I couldn’t figure out how to work in Don’t Wanna Lose Your Love Tonight. #
  • My submssion for Best Gordon Beckham nickname for NewCity’s Best of #Chicago quiz: Our Savior, Who Art at 3rd, Hallowed be Thy Throws to 1st #

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  • This looks fun and camp. #
  • Am ready for my right shoulder to stop with the hurting when I stretch my arms straight out over my head. #
  • Discussing the right and wrong ways to make brownies. Must say, coworker who wants candy chunks and frosting is 800 kinds of incorrect. #
  • Ugh. #
  • @StevenGlassman “Please just kill me now.” :) in reply to StevenGlassman #
  • Someone on IRC suggested earl grey tea with a pinch of lapsang souchong. Going to try that, wonder if it’ll be like Harrods no 42? #
  • @hubbit They couldn’t leave that scene in the film. Too many casualties as fangirls fainted and hit their heads. in reply to hubbit #
  • Subwoofer room has now acquired a computer sound-effect. “YEE-HAW!” comes through the walls at random but frequent intervals. PJKMN. #
  • Seriously, #1 reason to lose weight: Because of the crimes against humanity most women’s plus size “fashions” constitute. #
  • @jime60647 Don’t forget how post-menopausal women are banned from marriage ‘cos marriage is for having kids. OH WAIT. in reply to jime60647 #
  • Dear Anti-Gay Marriage Voters: Dudes, I seriously couldn’t care less about yr kids or yr marriage, only mine. Jerks. </3, –s. #
  • People from Minnesota are a strange and baffling (but highly entertaining) breed. #

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  • It would be /really/ funny if DT tries to affect a traditional Chicawgo Sout’Side accent for that show, though. (…Don’t. Funny once only.) #
  • @mizmoose Well, it is on NBC. You have to cut it some slack for being on the Network of Suck. in reply to mizmoose #
  • David Tennant as a Chicago lawyer on NBC. Yay DT, YAY!!!! #Chicago, … meh NBC. #
  • yum. Coffee with a[n espresso] shot from Intelligentsia for a yummy afternoon treat. (Need a drinky equivalent of NOM NOM NOM.) #
  • Want. #
  • Nothing says “classy” like naked chicks as system monitoring tools: #
  • @Kbcraigs Movement…as in bowel? in reply to Kbcraigs #
  • I hate you, Bing. From your stupid name to your inept forms to what-the-hell-did-you-do-to-Farecast?, you are just plain no good. #
  • @mizmoose I have at least one friend who would TOTALLY make it (and eat the entire thing). in reply to mizmoose #

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