the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • I wish I knew why Tribune feels that news of Notre Dame football coaching staff is worthy of “breaking news” alerts. #
  • Y’all, it is entirely too dang cold out there. This calls for Chinese delivery. #

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  • I wish I had some cake. #
  • Who has cookies?!?!? You people keep talking about having cookies, but I have none! And I want some! So not fair… #
  • @rikkikite NOM NOM NOM! in reply to rikkikite #
  • @thebkwyrm Well….YEAH :) in reply to thebkwyrm #
  • I may have had, as our East Coast brethren would say, a couple-two-t’ree glasses of wine. #
  • @chicagostyle You wouldn’t say that if it meant walking through the cloud of pizza-smell every evening, ruining pizza forever… in reply to chicagostyle #
  • @chicagostyle Oh, man, pizza sounds good…and I don’t even like pizza! Despite the Malnati’s round the corner. in reply to chicagostyle #
  • @Suntimes What’s that? AT&T to take advantage of a captive customer base with rate hikes? Say it ain’t so! in reply to Suntimes #
  • Finally got that BFL plied. It was sassing me! #
  • Raar. My spinning mojo has left me: trying to ply BFL together and it keeps drifting apart on me. Boo. #
  • Damn. Funny youtube video has now gotten “Poker Face” stuck in my head. Aaaaaaauuuuuuughhhhh…. #
  • Ugh. Buying textbooks never gets cheaper. #
  • @Ipstenu Oh, boy. A whole bundle of troubleshooting win. #
  • @Ipstenu Can you trick him by asking what it used to do that it isn’t doing now, or what it didn’t used to do that it is now? in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @hubbit You’re sorry. You’re so sorry. :) in reply to hubbit #

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  • @sanityknit Designing isn’t insane. It’s making it that is… in reply to sanityknit #
  • Ah. So *that’s* what happens if you tip the spinning wheel forward to look at the bobbin while you’ve got a glass of wine in the cupholder. #
  • The weather outside is as lovely and temperate as the Chicago drivers are skilled and patient. #
  • Mark Teahen for 3 years, huh? Hm. #whitesox #
  • Wish I could stay home and dry today. Alas, stupid me thought a MySQL class would be a fun thing to do on vacation. Whoops. #
  • And speaking of red wine — got my spinning wheel cupholder yesterday! *love* #
  • Odd dream last night. Living with my mom, and she drank all my bottles of red wine so there was none left for me. Frightening! #

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  • @YarnHarlot You realize, by going to Oz she’s scored herself two summers in a row with no winter. Your daughter is a role model for us all. in reply to YarnHarlot #
  • @cloudlover The most frightening part of that listing is that it’s backordered “due to demand.” in reply to cloudlover #
  • @thebkwyrm Odd. Usually she’s much better at coming up with snappy misleading labels than (whatever)-gate. She must be getting complacent. in reply to thebkwyrm #
  • Why, with all marvels of modern medicine, has cough syrup not significantly improved in taste since I was 5? #
  • Ha. @Suntimes’ headline banner on their web site summarizes the weather as “FRIGHTFUL.” Cute. #
  • @jime60647 53°? Winter? Hmf. Hmf, I say! in reply to jime60647 #
  • Holy crap. The weather forecaster on the teevee just claimed the city is going to get 3-4 inches tomorrow during the day. #
  • @rikkikite Oh, dude, I know. Last time I had an appt it was 75 mins waiting for a 5 minute visit. Not. Pleased! in reply to rikkikite #
  • MI threatening to sue IL over carp is deeply stupid. What, you think the judges can just slap a restraining order on the fish? #
  • 2 bobbins of BFL ready to be plied tomorrow. Split roving for fractal spinning, first attempt. Interested to see how it comes out! #
  • @mizmoose You want a usb dongle one? I’ve got a spare. in reply to mizmoose #
  • @mizmoose Girls don’t do math! What’s a algo rhythm? in reply to mizmoose #
  • Today’s spinning is accompanied by The Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1981). I want an infinite improbability drive! #
  • @ianvisits Have they said anything about really unhealthy breakfasts? in reply to ianvisits #
  • @Ipstenu Huh. Maybe I just never noticed, while zipping through. Score! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Actually, looks like the OH Turnpike dings you an extra charge for not using ipass/ezpass. Don’t think IL does, or Skyway, tho. #
  • @Ipstenu I think it’s equivalent in all cases, but it is way more convenient. Also works for IN, OH turnpike route to cleveland, & into PA! in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu The universal explanation: “People are idiots.” in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @Ipstenu Wherever fashion crimes are committed, we will be there. Neither snow nor sleet nor outdated Labor Day limits shall stay our snark. #
  • I propose to replace “Jesus is the Reason for the Season” with “Jesus is the Rhyme for the Time.” Mine works better with a booming bassline. #
  • Not going to make a similar self-inquiry re: yarn stash, esp laceweight. Answer will be too depressing. #
  • By my count, I have 32 ‘lots’ of unspun fiber in my stash. Wonder how many I can get through in the next year? #
  • Forewent spinning in favor of swatching my little hands off today, testing patterns for the Prairie shawl. Perhaps someday it will be done! #
  • @smokes70 It’s my Christmas movie watching tradition! in reply to smokes70 #

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  • @beth825 The Pepto-Bismol pink coloring, mostly, I think. in reply to beth825 #
  • @beth825 I’m feeling a little traumatized by that now. Must crawl back to knitting and Doctor Who to recover. in reply to beth825 #
  • @Ipstenu Go put a dreidel in Santa’s hand. :) in reply to Ipstenu #
  • @cloudlover Have fun! Me and my way too messy to dye kitchen will be thinking of you….:) in reply to cloudlover #
  • I’m bored. Think I’ll start charting the Prairie shawl and maybe cast on for the first stab at it. #
  • I don’t understand why 24 hour Sudafed always gives out at the 12 hour mark. #

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