22h27, no word from jrd. and it’s either too bright from the city, or too overcast, to see the stars out.
music: “I Came As A Rat,” Modest Mouse: The Moon & Antarcticafeeling: disappointed
22h27, no word from jrd. and it’s either too bright from the city, or too overcast, to see the stars out.
music: “I Came As A Rat,” Modest Mouse: The Moon & Antarctica first, lots of bad hotel coffee.
then, attempt to call john at house and work. if no answer, proceed to Jack Daniel’s distillery to take a tour. otherwise, see if can hook up with john for lunch, at least.
try to refrain from leaving groundless threats (i.e., “i’m going to kick your ass if you don’t call me”) on answering machines, as that’s not very nice.
Typical female: goes to bar, has drinks, goes to restroom, flushes toilet, toilet won’t flush, leaves bathroom.
Geek female: goes to bar, has drinks, goes to restroom, discovers toilet is apparently not flushing, takes lid off toilet tank, discovers that the reason it isn’t flushing is because the chain is too long and is preventing the flappy thing from closing by getting in the way, improvises fix on the spot, fixes toilet for future generations of helplessly confused bargoing females. Mechanical inclination, /rawk/. Today:
Go to sleep at 0100 PDT.
Wake up at 0530 PDT. Despite having set alarm for 0605 PDT.
Eat bad hotel muffin; drink bad hotel coffee. Steal hotel banana to eat on the plane.
Depart hotel at 0705 for LAS. Arrive at 0715. Go through curbside check-in; tell the nice man I’m on the 0905 to Chicago. Nice man responds that there’s an 0857 to Chicago, and I’m not on it. Check itinerary: I am, in fact, on the 1105 to Chicago. Oh. Well.
it’s 20h43, and john hasn’t written back to my last email and neither has he called back to respond to the message i left on their machine at 3PM.
this sucks a lot.