scored 90% on the practice asvab, today. can’t figure out what i missed (and whatever it was, it wasn’t on the vocabulary or paragraph comprehension sections, which were pathetically easy and make me wistful that people paid more attention to language if this is the baseline), other than one question i gave up on and had to guess:
Given the following sequence of numbers, what is the next number?
1, 10, 7, 16
other than that, apparently i am qualified to request whatever assignment my avaricious, ambitious little heart desires.
of course, i am not all that creative so i would probably request to be a sysadmin.
standard disclaimer: DO NOT WIG OUT ON ME OVER THIS. i am all grown up, and furthermore, i am also smart and capable of understanding that my actions have repercussions, some of which might involve unfriendly fire. so yelling at me that the military is stupid, or it is stupid of me to think about enlisting, makes me cranky.
apparently, in august basic is increasing in duration from nine to thirteen weeks. as it will be ages before i can take a leave of absence to enlist, if indeed i choose to do so, this fact mostly just taunts me. alas.