the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina


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KoL is crack.

mmmm, tasty, tasty roleplaying crack.

that is all.

given that a lady’s fingers proclaim her behavior, mine betray that i was broken: the other day i noticed that all the fingernails on my right hand have noticeable ridges in them running across the top of the nail, about, oh, say, two months’ growth out.

that is really weird. i can’t stop running my left fingers over the bump.

(no, i don’t really expect anyone to care about this. i’m just a little bit “woah, that’s weird,” and a little bit “heh, cool” about it, and bored enough to post both sentiments.)

oh, fine; i suppose i’ll provide some useful content here. i’ve got nearly my full range of motion back in my hand, after only a week of proper physical therapy. i’ve got two more weeks to go, then i’m off a week (although i might go in for therapy anyways, we’ll see how it looks at the end of next week), then i go back to see my doctor, at which point hopefully he’ll pronounce me ready to do weight-bearing exercises on that hand again. yoga class, here i come — i bet my instructor is wondering what the hell happened to me. (actually, i bet she’s *stopped* wondering by now. depressing.)

freakishly good mood

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Sunday is clearly Official Be Nice Day.

tally: one forced reboot after laptop wouldn’t wake up from sleep, about five firefox crashes before i gave up, a switch back to safari in retaliation for same, readjustment to safari, … then the safari crashes start…


fuck computing, today. i’m going to go watch tv or something. jeez.