the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

i have finished something!

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three somethings, actually:

first off, the easy one: the two-tasselled hat, from hip to knit. this is actually my second try at this hat — the first time, i had this gorgeous, gorgeous, amazingly soft, fabulous yarn, an alpaca/mohair blend, deep maroon, so nice … and so soft that the design virtually disappeared. (that is, incidentally, the project i spent my most recent day at the mechanic’s working on. — cast on to ready to bind off, except i wasn’t sure i wanted to finished it, in four hours!) so, this time i made it in some lamb’s pride bulky in a blood red i’d had left over from making my jayne cobb hat, together with a ball of beautiful loft merino bulky-weight yarn, to achieve the super-chunky weight the pattern called for.

tasselled hat
flat, so you can see my sexxxy cables!

tasselled hat, mark two
and as modeled by my lovely candleholder, so you can see how it might look actually on my head.

but one project was not enough for me, so i finished off another item, which i cannot post because i’m hoping that it might be something knitty would be interested in posting. so i shall simply say that i made it out of some yarn my friend kim and i kool-aid dyed, and it has potential to be cute once it’s blocked but at the moment it looks a bit like an easter-colored cloche for a 12-year old.

and the last FO, or “finished object” to you non-knitters out there (and non-soapers as well — i must say that “FO” in a context where it blatantly did not mean “fragrance oil” confused me pretty well for a bit there), is this messenger-style bag, also felted.

felted messenger bag

flipped flap!
flipped up the flap there so you can appreciate my mad kool-aid dyeing skillz, although photoshop appears to have eaten some of the color intensity.

as felting (washing knit wool items in hot water to make them shrink and get fuzzy) allegedly results, i am told, in 15-25% shrinkage, i made the strap extra long for this bag. before felting, you can see in this photo, the bag actually comes to my knee:

knee-length bags are all the rage in europe
(dig my fuzzy flannel pjs? they’re, much like my tasselled hat, sexxxy!)

after felting, the bag portion of the bag was marvellous and perfect in its shrunken size and fuzziness, but the strap remained… generous, we shall say:

but mid-thigh length bags are all the rage in my apartment
it’s above the knee now… but not by a whole lot.
(the cats saw the camera out and naturally assumed that their respective presences were required for assistance.)

so i’m going to have to, i think, cut the strap and sew it down to make it shorter, as i don’t really like the tie-a-knot-in-it look. alas. it’s particularly perturbing because i had actually run out of the kool-aid yarn and ended up ripping much of the flap in order to retrieve enough yarn to make the strap — and you thought that maroon color block was just me being fashionable and clever, didn’t you? — and i could have had at least another row in color on the flap if i’d shortened the strap. though i do think it turned out pretty cute, all things considered.

so that was my weekend. and now i’ve got no WIPs to work on, just new things to start out working on. er, well, choose to start working on … i have so many things to do and i don’t know which is next. but, Stitch ‘n Pitch is at sox park tuesday and i’ve got to have something to knit on while My Guys are showing cleveland that sorry, this is not their Major League year. so many things to knit, so little attention span to choose which ones!

but it served its purpose, as now i can use tags instead of writing shit out. HOORAY!!!

friday five:

1. Who is your mobile phone provider, and how many minutes are in your plan?
cingular, who bought out at&t wireless, and with whom i’m less happy despite the “evil empireness” of attws (and besides, i’d have to say that SBC^WCingular are just as empirey and certainly rather evil). i have no idea how many minutes are on my plan. a bunch. also unlimited internet access, for my laptop.

2. What program do you primarily use for instant messaging?
aim, for personal chatting, for no particular reason. jabber, at work, because we’re required to use it. jabber clients apparently all suck.

3. Who do you send and receive text messages from most?
oh, various friends. dan and rachel, i guess.

4. What area code do you live in?
312. though my mobile’s in 847, just because i’ve had it for years and years and i got it when i was working in skokie.

5. What year did you first get an e-mail address and do you still use it?
fall 1992, and no —!heartland!sdownard’s been dead for years.

in other recent quiz results, i am most like “Charlie” on The West Wing, i am merino wool, and i have a high IQ. but we knew that already!

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i forgot to actually make this post readable, back in, uh, May.

it’s probably incomplete and that’s why i never posted it, but, meh. i was tired of it being the only post in the /main/mustang category, and wanted to consolidate the mustang under /main/hobbies anyways.

oh: weekend before last, some minor work was done. the carb’s already pulled off, but we pulled out the old battery (entire battery shelf enclosure is rusted out, going to need to replace that), pulled the ignition coil, distributor and cap, all the spark wires, and some other stuff. next steps are to get rid of stepbrother mark’s engine that’s been sitting gathering dust for like four years in dad’s garage — it’s some GM thing (a 305 maybe? god knows what it came out of) that i don’t think anyone’s even pretending mark cares about rebuilding anymore — so we can use the “engine rotisserie,” as i fondly refer to the stand. pull the engine out, pull the valve covers off, and get at the heads. no doubt this will require the world’s largest vat of WD-40. man, i love WD-40. most useful general-purpose household and mechanical lubricant ever invented. i hope someone got a nobel prize for science for that stuff.