the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Marked the announcement of New Orleans hurricane evacuation with a donation to the Red Cross of Southeast Louisiana. Happy Katrinaversary. #

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  • Drunk, and the people at the next table are talking about guns. Not sure i’ve got thd best of this. #
  • ‘But I’m quite sure you’ll tell me how I should feel today.’ #

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  • Bored. Is it weekend yet? #

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  • @mizmoose Whatever, crazy coleslaw-french fry sammidge eating lady! #
  • A very long day today and an unplanned-for long one for tomorrow — yippee. Is it weekend yet? #
  • Ahahahahaahhaahahhhahaa. Farewell, Jay Mariotti, we’ll not miss you at all! #
  • Could do with some higher spirits, lately. Alas, reality intrudes. #

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  • Haha. I got a sticker for surviving a 12-hours-each-way road trip with someone who kept getting and offering me her french fries! #
  • @mizmoose Well, they are obviously fools! Which we can tell because of those weird coleslaw-french fry sandwiches. That’s just wrong. #
  • And today has had the motivation abruptly and thoroughly sucked away. #
  • @mizmoose Nah, that’s Chicago-style deep dish pizza — proof that Bog loves us and wants us to be happy (if not healthy). #

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