the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Baseball got rained out this evening, resulting in calm evening at home. Kind of nice for a change. #
  • Attention Federal Reserve and Wall Street: I want my 401(k)/403(b)s’ respective valuations back, you jerks. #
  • I am the Disney UNIX princess! #
  • @anamariecox She’s a chip off the old maverick! #
  • @smokes70 No, no! I helped a user out and apparently I was, like, cheerful or something. I need a talking animal to really be Disney, tho. #
  • @christensen Apparently they already have! #
  • I wonder what the cap’n would think about my foray into predictive markets, and making money off Republicans. #
  • Memo to the Pale Hose: You should win today. Twice, actually. Or else. You don’t want to know what ‘or else’ is, just know it’s there. #
  • Realized am starting to develop laugh lines. So totally unacceptable I don’t even know where to start whining — v. unusual for me. #
  • Obviously, Lehman Bros. has been hit by the fuckstick. #
  • 3 hours and 20 minutes until ice skating class! Yay! #

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  • Bummer: starting what looks like a really good murder mystery, one “to be read in one sitting!” and having to go to work. #
  • Weather today: probably just rainy and cold enough to make tonight’s ballgame unpleasant, without actually calling it. #
  • Today’s haul from CVS resulted in a nail polish for me and a metric ton of things to donate, all for $4. Yay for coupons! #
  • WRONG #

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  • (Insert breakup song lyric here) #
  • Phone banked for Obama a few hours today. Not too shabby. Apparently I still have a great phone voice. #

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  • Am rapidly losing patience with inability to snag bartender to get the sox game on. #
  • OMG Fat Juan! #
  • OMG Fat Juan AGAIN!!! #
  • Still hate Torii Hunter. Jerk. #
  • Oh man, what a deserved shit-eating grin on PK after that double! *heart* #
  • <3 Cake. JTIS. #
  • Drains on my budget #1: Shoes that, when I look at them, I go: “Ohh, look at *that*.” #
  • Je vais à la classe ! #

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  • Narrowly averted impulse woot of refurb iPod. Consoled self that will get one another time. When they don’t have an announcement in 5 days. #
  • As Bill says: There’d better not be any truth to this shit about Carlos Quentin’s wrist being broken. #
  • @shadow Am getting an iPhone! But capacity is barely any better than my first-gen original 5G iPod, and am sick of picking and choosing. #
  • @mizmoose We are together in no-iPod-solidarity. (Also, am not rich developer like @shadow either. Work’s buying my jesusphone.) #
  • A French student is niqui, encore! #
  • @mizmoose Well, at least it gives you the excuse to write your DSL off on your taxes, then! #
  • Nothing like friday at 1630 when you forgot to write a shell script to run a batch job this weekend, or at 1655 realizing it should be perl. #

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