the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Okay, I am now officially weary of the plague. Also, out of Kleenex. #
  • Had thought maybe I could go in to work today. However, upon limping out of bed, still feel like death on toast. Argh. #
  • Just read an article which used this spelling: preëminent. Technically correct trema usage, I suppose, but still pretentious as all git-out. #
  • Never got contacted about an SNP ticket. Guess I’m not getting one. :( #

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  • On my third pot of mint tea w/honey today. Soon, I shall turn green from it all. #
  • @jacklund Probably all licensing issues. Think of it as an excuse to catch up on all the classics you always meant to watch! #
  • Ow. Sinuses making every part of my head hurt. Sudafed, why have you forsaken me? #
  • @denizenofchaos Haha. It’s the price we pay for being cool kids! #
  • @sanityknit Enjoy it while it lasts :) #

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  • @sanityknit Wow. Yeah. That’s … weird? I hope it’s just perspective or something :-) #
  • I think I’m coming down with something. Wonderful. #
  • Ugh. Have definitely come down with something. So much for my only one personal weekend day to myself this weekend being relaxing. #
  • Making matzoh ball soup and feeling generally sorry for myself. At least it’s an excuse to break out the TNG S1 disks I got recently. #

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  • It took me 40 minutes to drive 15 miles. Pea soup fog. Missed an exit in the fogbank. Still getting passed by idiots doing 60, natch. #
  • @sanityknit Took it to auto parts store – they have a diagnostic thingie. Fuel mix running lean. Not critical, just wasteful. Yay? #
  • Also, unexpected extra evening in P-Town. Fambly elected that I should not drive in this goo. I didn’t really protest. T-storms tmrw tho. #
  • Also, should note that after spending 75 mins clearing half of driveway, 50*F temps melted the rest of it. My heart was in the right place. #
  • @robotviki Have a great trip! Accost lots of Deutschlanders! Drink bier! Sehen cool stuff! Enjoy being !here! #
  • Crap!! I just realized I have like 6 days left to finish that afghan I wanted to finish crocheting by the end of the year!!! #
  • Dude. Totally just checked the weather for the trip back tomorrow. It’s gonna be like 6 hours of dense fog, rain, gusting winds. W/cat. :( #
  • About 4 hours left until I blow this taco stand. Breakfast, yarn hunting, cat setup and retrieval operations… then the fun begins. #
  • Home! Missed nearly all of the bad weather, too. Though that didn’t stop me from constantly watching the horizon for funnel clouds. #
  • @sanityknit Yeah, but in the end, you’ll have WAY better bragging rights than those of us who have only knit sweaters in super-bulky… #

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  • Argh. You know you’re in the sticks when…all the damn mechanics for 50 miles are closed the day /after/ the holiday. Even the dealer! #
  • Also, you know you’re in the sticks when the idea of driving 50 miles to the mechanic’s is not an unreasonable one. #
  • @smokes70 Oh my God, THANK YOU. YOU ARE A LIFESAVER. #
  • @chowbok Haha, brilliant. Is it actually for real? I can’t tell, it’s so improbable yet, I mean, people are pretty dumb sometimes… #
  • Still no SNP ticket. :( :( :( :( :( #
  • I hate Comcast’s support site. It’s all so whizbang you can’t open pages in new tabs or use back/fwd buttons effectively. Web design jerks! #
  • Also, Dear Windows Mail: “Error Number 0x800CCC92″ is not, personally, what I would consider a particularly useful message to the user. FYI. #
  • Does anyone have a more Grandma-friendly email GUI client suggestion than Vista Windows Mail, which makes me regret being born? #
  • @shadow Haven’t tried it actually… Might give it a shot. Can’t possibly be /worse/, can it? #
  • And okay, seriously, in the annals of bad errors, “An unknown error has occurred” is right up there on the WORST EVER list. #
  • Windows Firewall blocking Windows Updates which kept Windows Mail from working. Nice interdepartmental communications there, guys. #
  • omg. Just cleared ice/slush/goo off 2/3 of a double-wide driveway. So tired now. Someone bring me coffee and a donut; I’m too weak to move. #
  • @sanityknit I don’t know… check engine light came back on. Suspect they did not actually fix the problem last time. :( #
  • @jacklund Their features make me stabby. Also their errors. And really, their software in general. #
  • Also, next time someone mocks me for using a Mac I’m just going to say, “Unexpected error 8007002E.” #

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