the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • @Chicago_News Nooooooooooooo! Dammit! Screw the future of America, I want the trains to run on time! #
  • @sanityknit Yeah, but you get summers off. So I’m jealous of you right back! #
  • @mizmoose Could be worse. Apparently I give nonsense answers! #
  • @chowbok Sure, whatcha need? #
  • Ooooh. New PSB album due out in March! <3 PSB! V. excited! #
  • *bounce* *bounce* *bounce* excited about vegas! #
  • Determined during discussions here: MySpace is Satan’s own UI. #

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  • Just picked up and hung some pix I recently had framed. Yay! Turned out v. well — still astoundingly overpriced, but v. well. #
  • After a particularly frustrating spate of accidental double-clicks I smashed my mouse repeatedly on the desk. Seems to be fixed now. Win! #
  • @sanityknit Weeellll… I don’t think he was originally quite this complete-whackjobby. Hey look over there, how about some nice poetry?? #
  • 48 hours ’til Vegas! (Or at least, 48 hours ’til on a plane to Vegas.) #
  • I want most of these as my incoming SMS alert: #
  • Pirate Dan and I have decided to tour scenic Scotland next year. And drink up ALL their whiskey! Distillers take note! #
  • @shadow What’s that, “*meep* *meep* *meep* Your attention please. We are standing momentarily awaiting signal clearance”? #
  • @shadow Ahh, yours is less snarky than my suggestion then. :-) #
  • Reason #2939 to watch CNBC: hard-hitting news updates like “PFIZER GETS THE PARTY STARTED.” Were they listening to p!nk at the time? #

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  • Happy First Firing Up of TurboTax for the Tax Year Day! …or something. #
  • So I’m watching this ep of Knight Rider, and he has to drive >100mph or the car blows up. Didn’t I see this movie? Wasn’t the lead cuter? #

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  • I would be happier with my life if it weren’t just the crazies who hit on me in bars. #
  • @sanityknit Ackkk! What happened? #

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  • @writchrd Get Jilly to do one of these: :-) #
  • In collusion with @smokes70, now adopting ‘beh’ as what to say when ‘meh’ isn’t enough to describe my apathy. Let’s see if it catches on! #
  • Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Some things are quite impossible to respond to with anything less disbelieving than “for real?” #
  • Have turned to a kick-ass-and-take-names frame of mind: not in an angry kicking ass mood, just “awright, let’s do this shit.” #

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