the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • Some days I regret having forgotten my scarf and hat more than others. Stupid gusty winds! #
  • @writchrd MIBs! #
  • It is often a source of wonder to me, how very differently developers’ and sysadmins’ minds address particular problems. #
  • @writchrd Well, I was thinking more about the investigate+fix vs. workaround or the automate vs. repeatedly&manually divides. But that too. #
  • I am always moderately pleased when I do something like remembering the html code for ™ (™) off the top of my head. #
  • @the_beard is lifting things for those who cannot (or do not have beards)! Donating is easy, *and* entertaining! #
  • @hubbit #
  • Barry, you and your little friends are flying entirely too many helicopters around. Think of the high-rise residents! #
  • @the_beard How much do we have to donate for The Beard to lift Matthew A. Sidor, Esq.? (Or maybe just his briefcase?) #

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  • @writchrd MIBs? I mean, I’m pretty sure Marine One is not a Chinook. #
  • @writchrd Okay, I admit the call sign is assigned to the cargo and not the vehicle. But still. Isn’t he not coming home until the weekend? #
  • @writchrd Oh, well, good to know. Next time they buzz my high-rise, I’ll wave to Barry…and tell him to quit preempting “House.” #

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  • Practicing Operation “Take things that make me stabby and try and laugh about them, instead of being immediately stabby.” V. difficult. #
  • What I like most about is how everything else makes Chicago style deep-dish look healthy and reasonable. #
  • Wanna go back to London now kplsthx. Mostly I want to point and laugh at their snow “issues” though. #
  • @hubbit Don’t even joke about that. It’ll be freezing here again this weekend! Still, even a few days of respite are nice… #
  • Typical: seeing helicopters fly past my building. Creepy: seeing a group of 5 dark, loud cargo helicopters fly past my building. #

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  • I’m tired of baseball players taking steroids. Quit making my favorite sport fraudulent, you jackasses. You steal our fun away. #
  • @Suntimes Yes. #
  • @hubbit They could end in anything you like! But they, like everything, must come to an end someday. And that day is probably today. #
  • @hubbit I was happy this morning! #

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  • @writchrd It is a beautiful thing! #
  • Pretty sure I just passed my first biology test in … 15 years. Shouldn’t have done the math on that. Now I just feel old, not smart. #

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