the everyday adventures of sabrina

i'm happy, hope you're happy too

Browsing Posts published by sabrina

  • This morning: checked value of car and redid auto insurance coverage. I lead a life of madcap excitement and non-stop thrills. #
  • @richardroeper You must be taking up my space. I haven’t gotten called in… oh, 10 years or so? I could use the variety in my workday! #
  • @kcraigs “[Unsurprisingly] this kind of corrupt event [is] supported by an English teacher.” It’s all yr fault! #
  • It’s usually about the point where I decide what I really need is getopt() when it all starts to seem like an insurmountable problem. #
  • @secabeen Ha! Nice. I can just picture the “WTF” face when faced with the lower speeds. “But… but… but…?!?!!?” #
  • I love albums that sneak up on me: on first listen, not so impressed, maybe dismissive…eventually, completely unstoppable and absorbing. #
  • @RevPirateDan Yes, but we weren’t until you brought it up! #

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  • Oooh… do I spy with my little eye a moderately-sized patch of blue sky? #
  • @denizenofchaos But facebook status updates are so 2007! #
  • Dear CNBC: Please get Kudlow’s dresser to quit choosing ties that sear my retinas. Yellow with outlined grey polka dots… AUGH. no <3,–s. #
  • New /etc/system post: The nature of ‘production’ #
  • I can’t wait until I use up this bottle of yucky Olay Quench body lotion at my desk, so I can open something less chemical-smelltastic. Bleh #

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  • “Oops”: “[A] contractor…had a file-sharing program on [a sys which] also contained…blueprints for Marine One.” #
  • @hubbit Nothing’s wrong with ‘secure,’ except for the part where it doesn’t mean ‘securitize,’ which is to turn things into securities. #
  • @hubbit Also, now all words that start with ‘secur-‘ looks weird to me… #

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  • Off to bio class. Another saturday about to slosh right down the tubes. Just keep swimming! #
  • @margaretdawson Doh! #
  • I can’t wait for spring, for them to resume working on my balcony, so I can go out there and wash the %^&*&^% dust off the frigging windows. #
  • teh lolz: and #

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  • Some days I don’t even have to actually go in to the office in the morning to have it completely ruin my day. ARRGH ARGGHGH ARGGHGHH! #
  • Off to CSO. Pierre Boulez will fix everything. Can’t believe you slackers are all too sick to take this frankly fantastic ticket from me. #
  • Holy cow, CSO percussion. Y’all rocked the house tonight. That was brilliant. #
  • Holy crap. Rental prices in my hood falling like mad. Anyone ever successfully negotiated a landlord down at lease renewal time? #
  • @shadow Ha! Is that a corollary to the sincerest form of flattery — the even sincerer-est is when they’re too lazy to imitate? #
  • @pearnest Yeah.. I might give it a shot. I’m a crap (chicken) negotiator so I don’t have high expectations, but what the hey. :) #
  • AMC movie promotion email to me: “Don’t miss the Jonas Brothers in 3D!” What, with a pellet gun? Oy. #
  • @shadow Wow. Silly remarks aside, that must be kinda annoying, actually. Flattering, but annoying. #

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